Francesco Rutelli, Mayor of Rome, welcomes you to the official Website of the Imperial
Forums.  Welcome
to the archaeological site of the Imperial Forums, one of the largest areas in the world
where digging, research and studies are still under way. It is here that the Roman
civilisation began and evolved throughout the centuries . As Italian nationals and as
citizens and administrators of Rome, we have the mission of preserving and disseminating
knowledge of these records of the past. But this is not the heritage of a single city or
nation; it is the heritage of mankind. Now, thanks to state-of-the-art communication
technologies, this wealth can be brought to the fruition of the entire world.
This is the rationale for the
creation of CAPITOLIUM.ORG, an official source of live information on the archaeological
site of the Imperial Forums. Day by day, on-line visitors can follow the development of
the work which is being carried out by top-level scholars of Roman antiquity.
Here, you can find the technical
details of the works and of the finds, the history of the age of Emperors, slices of life
of ancient Romans, live and library images. Thanks to virtual reality, you can perceive
how the present archaeological area looked like at the time. A sophisticated webcamera,
operating around the clock, will also enable you to follow the progress of the works in
the Forums.
The Mayor of Rome and his staff
are delighted to allow on-line visitors from all over the world to share the view that
they daily enjoy from their windows, on the Capitoline Hill.
The Cultural Heritage Department
of the Municipality of Rome included the project of the Imperial Forums into its Jubilee
Year Program. The project completes the first stage of the digging works recently
initiated in the Forum of Nerva. The works will involve an area of 14,000 sq.m. along Via
dei Fori Imperiali, where 3,500 sq.m. of the Forum of Caesar, 5,500 sq.m. of the Temple of
Peace and 6,000 sq.m. of the Forum of Trajan will be unearthed. Archaeological works of
such magnitude and scientific value in downtown Rome are an unprecedented challenge.
The new archaeological activities
in this area and throughout Rome were made possible by the joint efforts of the
Municipality and of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and the Environment. These efforts
resulted into remarkable discoveries, such as the famous Painted City under the Domus Area
of the Oppio Hill or, more recently, a fragment of the ancient Forma Urbis, significant
sculptures and remnants of ancient monuments, together with the solution of conundrums
about the real Imperial Rome. We can thus expect additional finds within a short time.
This wealth should be made
available to scholars but, above all, to the public at large. In the year 2000, an
Archaeological Park is planned to be created. The Park will extend from the Colosseum to
the Capitoline and Quirinal Hills, through museum itineraries in the archaeological areas.
The project will also involve the revision of the present road layout.
This Website was created by the
Municipality of Rome, jointly with Microsoft Italia, Canon Italia for systems and
engineering support; and Fabbi Studio for project management and implementation.
We invite you to explore the
available chapters of our Web page and to check them periodically for updates on
archaeological finds.
But remember to pay a real - and non-virtual -
visit to the Forums and to the city of Rome: it will be an unforgettable experience.
Francesco Rutelli
Mayor of Rome
> Imperial Forum area
> Methodology of the
archeological excavation
> News from the Forum
> The staff engaged in
recovery |