The Staff
Municipality of Rome:
Gianni Borgna
Parlaimentry Municipal Councilor
Paolo Gentiloni
Councilor of External Relations and Tourism
Eugenio La Rocca
Superintendent, Scientific Director of the Imperial Forum Project
Silvana Novelli
Department Director for External Relations and Tourism
Silvana Rizzo
Director of the Imperial Forums and Scientific Coordinator of the Project
Piero Giusberti.
Engineer and Director of excavation work
Stefano Menichini
Director of Communication's office
Roberto Meneghini
Responsible of the Forum of Trajan and its excavation
Riccardo Santangeli Valenzani
Responsible of the Forum of Caesar and Temple of Peace and their excavation
Edoardo Tortorici e
Chiara Morselli
Scientific Directors of excavation for the Forum of Nerva
Lucrezia Ungaro
Responsible for Trajan's Market
Fabio Fabbi, Fabbi Studio
General project coordinator of the Internet website realized thanks to:
- Municipality of Rome
- Microsoft Italy
- Canon Italy
Many thanks for the precious and efficient
Stefano Forina
Ufficio di Gabinetto del Sindaco
Igor Patruno, Major Factor
Aldo Zappalą, Village
Virtual pictorial reconstruction
Andrea Piersanti e Marina Sanna, Ente
dello Spettacolo
Cinema images and texts.

For communication- write the staff of the site
> Presentation of
the operation
> Methodology of the
archeological excavation
> News from the Forum
> The staff engaged in