Life in
Antique Rome
Living Habitations
Roman architecture derived from Etruscan and
Greek tradition and private habitations are expressed in two typologies: the
"domus" - city house, and the "villa" - rural house.
Constructed always with only one floor, the houses were divided into three zones:
- one dedicated to family ancestors and religion ("atrium"); the entrance zone
with a central opening on the roof that lets in light and rain that is collected in a tub
- one that unites the bedrooms and rooms; frescoed and decorated in style;
- a garden with a portico of columns ("peristilium") that face other rooms. In
the back of the residence were the rooms for the slaves and the apartments for the women.
With the exception of nobility, the homes were not large. The popular folk were usually
massed into store lofts ("pergulae") or in wooden condominiums
("insulae") of 4-5 floors.
> The men
> The women
> Cuisine and antique
Roman recipes
> Live images from Rome
through the remote control camera
> Places and
constructions as seen today and as seen during Antique Rome
In the other chapters you can find: the latest
news on excavation advancements in the Imperial Forum area, the history of Rome, sayings
and habits of the Antique Romans. Select a chapter among the four titles in the black
column on the right.