Rome at the Movies - 2
Other images from famous films:
QUO VADIS? (1951)
Director Mervyn Le Roy
Made four times as silent films, the story of
commander Vinicio and the Christian slave Licia. This film was a colossal production of 8
million dollars and it took two years to make it in Cinecittą, Rome. At the end of the
decade Hollywood will do another re-make: Ben Hur.
By Luigi Magni
Publio Cornelio Scipione, called the African
(Marcello Mastroianni) and his brother, called the Asian (Ruggero
Mastroianni, Marcello's brother) are accused by Catone of stealing a large sum. But
it is really only a political move, the African is in fact a man of integrity while his
brother is the guilty one. Bizzare work made after the colossal success by Carmine Gallone
(Scipione lAfricano, 1931).
Directed by Luigi Magni
After the death of Christ, Pontious Pilate starts
to feel guilty and asks the emperor to be beheaded. Luigi Magni rehabilitates Pilate, who
becomes a skeptical and lazy Roman (Nino Manfredi), and makes him a hero against his will.
Courageous film from an unexceptionable historical point of view.
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