Microsoft Italia .

Fori Imperiali canon_logo.gif (2049 byte)webview

WebView: instructions for use
Take control of the telecamera function by clicking the button. control_icon.gif (1272 byte)

To control the direction of the Canon VC-C3 (right, left, up, down) click on the point of the image that you want to see, or use the sliding bar.

To zoom (move in on a subject) use the sliding bar (at the side of the image).

If the image is dark, you can click on the brightness control. light_icon.gif (951 byte)

It is possible to save an instant photo on your computer by clicking the camera icon.

In case you should encounter problems   write here.

> Additional information

> Return to the main WebView page

> Places and constructions as seen today and as seen during Antique Rome

> Living in Rome 2000 years ago: dressing, eating, working

In the other chapters you can find: the latest news on excavation advancements in the Imperial Forum area, the history of Rome, sayings and habits of the Antique Romans. Select a chapter among the four titles in the black column on the right.






Age of the Emperors

Recovering the Forums
right.gif (72 byte) Virtual Tour






rigasx.gif (236 byte)

Comune di Roma Canon


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